I will tell of all Your marvelous works.
Psalm 9:1
I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.
Psalm 9:2
Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear,
And will trust in the LORD.
On the way home we had quite a hilarious memory transpire. During the course of our ride our neighbor's dog Snickers had found us and decided to join us in exploring the countryside. We didn't mind her company until she started barking at the horses with a high pitched excited yip every time they stopped because she wanted them to keep moving! Since she was jeopardizing our safety and disrupting our nice peaceful ride I no longer appreciated her company any longer! As we headed home Anna decided to run Chey up the dirt path for the pure joy of it and Snickers took off running after Chey's heels like she was going to bite them with me screaming "Snickers get back here! Quit, leave it!" Thankfully Snickers didn't bite Chey, but when I caught up with them Anna had about had enough of Snickers and she wasn't about to let her follow us ALL the way HOME! Leaving me in the bean field on horse duty Anna set off to chase Snickers home with a bean stalk in hand. Because Snickers IS a German Shepard and we don't really know what she's like to humans she doesn't know I suggested to Anna maybe it wasn't a good idea to mess with her, but Anna was bound and determined to get rid of her....she was FED UP! I about laughed my guts out well Anna chased and yelled and threw sticks at Snickers well Snickers scampered off with her tail between her legs only to start trying to sneak back every time Anna ceased fire! Anna continued her hot pursuit of Snickers chasing her down a hill throwing anything she could find and yelling hilarious things! After all that work Snickers just laid down on the road and waited until Anna mounted Chey again and then proceeded to follow us ALL THE WAY HOME!:-P Oh well....it made for a hilarious memory...the mental picture is seared in my mind forever!:-D Love you Anna! <3
Me and the horses waiting oh so patiently for Anna! :)
The glorious view on the way home! Thank God for His indescribable creation, for family, for horses, and for memories made never to be forgotten!:-D My heart is filled with praise!
Another day--another ride--with another best friend! ;) It was another beautiful fall day just calling my name and after the amazing ride me and Anna had taken the previous week I invited Julia to come riding with me! With how much she loves to spend time with me, outside, and riding horses she was more than happy to oblige me! :) So we headed down the road intending to take the exact same route me and Anna had.
(my special nickname for Julia)
Somewhere along the way our route got altered when Julia convinced me to go "off roading" verses sticking to the beaten path! It was well worth it though! The view beneath the trees is JUST as breathtaking as the view from afar!
We had a marvelous time following deer trails, winding through trees, and listening to the leaves crunching loudly beneath the horses hooves! At one point Julia said, "Fall smells so good!" I breathed in deep and agreed. The air was indescribibly sweet, fresh and clean in the timber!
There's NOTHING like "off roading!" :)
On the way home we found our way to the dirt road so that we could let the horses "go" and enjoy the pure bliss of flying down the dirt road! There's nothing like running wild and free on your baby--me and Jewels just smiled and laughed and screamed "Yeehaw" as the wind whipping in our face caused tears to stream down our face and we soaked in the awesomeness of the moment!
As we crossed the bean field heading home the sun was setting on the western horizen and peace settled round about us like a warm comforting blanket! I can not describe how grateful I am for God's bountiful blessings in my life! His lovingkindness is better than life! Have you thanked the Lord for the wonderful life you're living today?!
O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance
Psalm 9:1
I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.
Psalm 9:2
Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear,
And will trust in the LORD.
Psalm 40:3
(my special nickname for Julia)
There's NOTHING like "off roading!" :)
O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance
and my cup; You maintain my lot.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;Yes, I have a good inheritance.
Psalm 16:5-6