Tuesday, December 3, 2013

God Speaks

As I sit and stare out the window God speaks to me;
He speaks to me all the time!
As I read His word and pray God speaks to me;
He speaks to me all the time!
As I listen to the radio God speaks to me;
He speaks to me all the time!
As I gaze at the sun sinking below the horizon God speaks to me;
He speaks to me all the time!
As I watch my horse learn how to trust me God speaks to me;
He speaks to me all the time!
As I lay in bed and reflect on the day God speaks to me;
He speaks to  me all the time!
As I meet people each and every day God speaks to me;
He speaks to me all the time!
In moments of loneliness and sorrow God speaks to me;
He speaks to me all the time!
In periods of happiness and joy God speaks to me;
He speaks to me all the time!
In His creation or in my bedroom God speaks to me;
He speaks to me all the time!
I'm so glad my Jesus is mine, for He speaks to me all the time!

-Rebekah Rehm

I wrote this very simple poem today as I was in my bedroom spending time with the Lord. I was thinking of all the different things the Lord has been speaking to my heart recently and suddenly it hit me that He speaks to me all the time!! I know that often I become discouraged and think, "The Lord speaks to others so much more than He does to me!" Or, "If only I could hear from the Lord in that way!" But I was so encouraged today when I stopped and thought of all the different ways the Lord speaks to me and how I personally hear His still small voice, and that is what inspired this poem! I'm so grateful that He speaks to me all the time!! How does God speak to you?
And after the earthquake a fire;
but the Lord was not in the fire:
and after the fire a still small voice.
1 Kings 19:12