The first weekend in May found me and Julia in a frenzy preparing for the arrival of my cowgirl sis' Koda! We had a getaway to the awesome cabin in a park near us planned and thus the frenzy of activity packing things, preparing food, etc! The cabin is one of my FAVORITE places to take my friends to get away and enjoy nature without having to set up a tent...and let me tell you if I've never taken you there before I NEED too! :) It's AWESOME! Just a disclaimer before you get into this post...when Koda and I do something we do it thoroughly...and thus the MANY pictures that I just HAD to include on this post! :) There was NO lack for pictures over the weekend as both Koda and I had are cameras clicking almost constantly! Therefore I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking and just throw in a SHORT comment here and there! ;)
Thursday afternoon Julia and I arrived at the cabin a couple of hours before Koda's arrival to decorate the cabin with streamers and banners for a belated birthday surprise for her!

All decorated and ready for Koda's arrival! :)
After the decorating was finished Julia decided to start the campfire to grill the steaks over.
I have decided that lighter fluid is definitely a woman's BEST friend! :-D
Dad and mom blessed us with their presence for supper bringing over the mashed potatos, green beans and steaks that dad grilled for us! The steaks were AMAZING!
After supper we went on a nature walk
And then broke out the layered mocha cheesecake to replenish all the calories we burned! :)
After spending sometime talking by the campfire it was time for a Tim Hawkins movie...we laughed until our sides ached!!! :)
Friday morning we sipped steaming cups of coffee and...
Cooked eggs over the campfire!
Our delicious breakfast
Our pics by the cabin for memories sake! :)

Heading out to go pick up Flame! It was SO AWESOME because God worked it out for us to go pick up Flame, a horse I'd trained earlier this spring, and bring him home for the weekend so that Koda, Julia and I could all go riding together! I was ecstatic when I found out I got to bring him home for the weekend!
Our form of transportation for Flame
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Amazing Koda trimming my horses feet for me!
Working Flame in the round pen Friday night!
The breathtaking sunset that Koda captured Friday night
Okay so Koda is TOTALLY AMAZING at photography! God has really gifted her in this Saturday morning she blessed me by taking pictures of me and my babies and then we grabbed a few shots of her and I as well as the threesome, (Julia, Koda, and I) it was SO FUN!
Flame -- Love this boy!! <3

Luckyman -- He's my boy! <3

Sonador -- She's my baby! <3

~Cowgirl Sis'~

Doing what we love best...hanging out with each other and horses! :)
~The Threesome~

Saturday after the photo shoot Koda saddled up Flame and worked him in the round pen to prepare him for our ride since he hadn't been ridden for a month!
Totally a cowgirl...she's got the horse and the dog! :)
Our mother cat gave birth to her kitten's during Koda's visit and though you can't see them all she had five little orange guys behind the hay bale! ;) They're SO CUTE!!!!
Me and my boy ready to ride! :)
The threesome headed out for a ride on a HOT Saturday afternoon!
When we got home we hosed all the horses off to cool them down!

Lucky had us all dying of laughter when he started playing with the water and drinking out of the was H.I.L.A.R.O.U.S!!!! :)

"Thank you Lord for an AWESOME weekend with my cowgirl sis!!! Thank you for the gift of friendship and how the love of a friend lifts one up, encourages and strengthens! Amen!"
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Im soooo glad you did this post! it was so much fun to look back and remember it! :D btw i JUST ate the last bit of cheese cake that we had made together! haha it lasted so long! and its so so so good! :D hehe I loved all the pictures you posted! so much fun! such good memories! ♥ you cowgirl sis!