Introducing Gas Gaches Legacy Five's Tenor...
and Scott Fowler the lead singer...
Scott Howard the baritone...
Glenn Dustin the bass...
Trey Ivy the pianist *who I wish I could play like!* :)
One day we're gonna see Him (Jesus) face to face...what a glorious day!
Faithful to the finish...faithful to the cross!!
Gus hitting the high notes...
and Glenn hitting the low notes!!! :)
I LOVE it when they all get in a circle and sing "at" each other! :)
Yep that's Howie...the group comedian! This guy is absolutely HILARIOUS! He could have a show all his own! :) He had us all in stitches Friday night!!!
I love it when Scott Fowler sits down on the edge of the stage...gets eye level with the crowd and talks about what's on his heart that night! This year he shared about a woman who accidently bought tickets to one of their concerts. She meant to go to an entirely different concert, but the person who sold her tickets must have misunderstood and sold her tickets to the Legacy Five concert. Of course after hearing this story I KNOW that our merciful and loving Savior orchestrated the entire thing! This woman was a Muslim and at the intermission she walked up to Scott and asked him why everybody at the concert was SO HAPPY! Scott ended up getting to share the gospel with her and keep up with her over the course of two years. The woman and her daughter ended up both getting saved and returned to the middle east to visit family. Through the witness of this woman and her daughter to date (at least those they know of) twenty eight people have come to Christ in the middle east because of this woman who got saved through stumbling upon a Legacy Five concert! Oh in what wonderful ways our God is working in the world today! How humbling to think what a domino effect just one person yielding their life to Christ can make!
Emily, mom, and Julia visiting after the concert
Gus Gaches and Glenn Dustin "manning" the product table
Jewels and Em with the fun and amazing lead singer Scott Fowler
My favorite lead singer in the whole world! :) guessed it my favorite bass singer in the whole world! ;) It's completely insane how low this guy can go! I love it when you can feel the vibration of his voice as he hits the low notes! The group teasingly calls him the "Freak of Nature!" :)
Gotta post the attempted "self portrait" picture of the three of us with Julia controlling the camera! Lol :-D Poor Em...she kind of chopped you out!:-P
"Mom help...we'd like a NICE picture of the three of us!!!" LOL ;)
Yep...sisters...gotta love it!:-D
It was SO AMAZING to get to see my favorite southern gospel group in concert again! I also LOVED getting to spend the evening out with my mom, my sis, and Emily! We had SO MUCH fun! On the way home we grabbed some coffees and hot chocolate at a gas station and talked all the way home...well almost... Julia and Em faded out on us at the very end! :) It's evenings like these that I just feel SO OVERWHELMED by all the blessings I enjoy! Living in a free country where we can enjoy worshiping God in song, having a family who loves God, and friends who love Him and love spending time with you! Wow! Lord I am SO THANKFUL! I'm going to leave you with the lyrics to the last song Legacy Five sang that night! I absolutely love this song! I just wish you could hear it!;)
Til We Meet Again
We've shared some laughter and yes sometimes we've cried
We've made some memories as we've walked side by side
But now we've reached the place where the road divides
And now the time has come when we must say goodbye
Til we meet again, til we meet again
God be with you til we meet again
Til we meet again, til we meet again
God be with you til we meet again
We've shared a heartbeat, a passion and a call
To work for Jesus we're prepared to give our all
And we don't know today what tomorrow holds
But God will be with us wherever we may go
And if on earth we meet somewhere
What a joy that it will be
But if we never do I'll look for you in Heaven at His feet.
This song really touched my heart that night as I though of my dear sis and best friend Anna getting married in just FOUR SHORT months! What a comfort to know that when she leaves the precious Lord who lives inside of me goes with her til we meet again! Because of this no matter what I know that it will ALL be happy in the end!