The adorable little face that greeted me every day! :)
Thus me and mom packed are bags and headed to Milford, Nebraska. Mom to be moral support for Abi and stay at the hospital with her while Abi dealt with the ups and downs of a baby that was struggling to breath and awake much of the night, and me to nanny my favorite little niece! :)

My darling little "Skipper" having bath time...her FAVORITE!
Me and Joanna had a BLAST together while Grandma, Abi, and Asher spent long hours at the hospital! We played together, laughed, ate good food, watched, Charlotte's Web (Joanna's favorite movie), and went to the park together! Children are SUCH a blessing from the Lord! They teach us to enjoy the simple things in life!

Wednesday night February 29th Josiah, me and Joanna all loaded up in Josiah's work truck to go visit Asher. Joanna was ecstatic to be riding in Daddy's truck! She surely is a girl after my own heart...she LOVES trucks! :)
Daddy talking to his little man! It was SO SPECIAL to see Asher perk up despite his labored breathing when Josiah talked to him! SO precious!
Getting one of his breathing treatments to help him cough up all his flem....he was SUCH a little trooper!!!

He managed a smile for Auntie Beep Beep though! :) It warmed my heart to see that adorable little smile on his chubby cheeks again!!! ;)
Joanna was overjoyed to see Asher and wanted to get up in his face and kiss and love on him, but since Abi wouldn't let her because of germs she settled for holding his hand...Such a good big sister!!!!
It was SO GOOD to see lil' Asher, but since he wasn't ready to come home quite yet me and Joanna went home and settled into another day of being together...which we don't mind AT ALL! :) In fact we LOVE it! ;) Thursday morning Joanna was playing with her blankie and I tied it around her head like a nun. When I was little I used to play I was a nun all the time after I saw the Sound of Music...Joanna looked very cute in her little habit! :)
Joanna was in seventh heaven when I allowed her to sleep with me the first night I was there, but she was a bit naughty and squirmed and talked and played for FOREVER, so the next night she ended up in her crib! :)

On Thursday the 1st of March the long awaited event arrived...Asher's homecoming! :) After chest x-rays Thursday morning and the Doctor signing papers Asher was finally declared fit to return home! We were all rejoicing in the Lord's faithfulness to bring Asher through this trial and safely home once again!!!

Little robed beauty after bath time! :)

Not looking so perky, but hanging in there oxygen tubes, wires and all! :)
Poor lil' guy!

Not a very good fake sleeper! :)

Mommy overjoyed to be bringing Asher home after a rugged four days of stress and little sleep!

Not to happy about being in his car seat!!! I'm sure that face ISN'T because he misses the hospital! :)

Content once he's being snuggled by Auntie Beep Beep! ;) He's such a cuddly little guy! :)
Even though the events weren't what I would have wished for the need for me to spend two whole days alone with my favorite little niece was one that I loved fulfilling! We had SO MUCH fun! :) But even more amazing than getting to spend two days with my ADORABLE little niece was seeing God come through on behalf of my nephew and watching Him live through my sister Abi!!! When Asher first got RSV and had to be admitted to the hospital I was sort of upset at God. I didn't understand why He didn't just keep Asher from getting RSV in the first place, nor why He was letting my sis, and bro-in-law walk through this! But observing Abi through the whole trial of Asher's RSV totally changed my perspective and challenged and humbled me! You see instead of having a "Why me" attitude my dear sister had a "Why not me attitude!" When I talked to her about what she was walking through she'd just humbly state that she just wanted to learn whatever God had for her through this, even if it was just to rejoice and choose joy in the midst of suffering! I found myself broken before the Lord over this thought! How many times do we ask God to grow us, mold us, and shape us into someone more like Him and then shake our fist in His face when He sends the very things that are going to accomplish that into our lives?! How many times do we grumble and complain, doubt and question in the midst of suffering instead of embracing the path our Savoir calls us to...one of allowing His joy to shine through us in the moments of our deepest pain and trial! I've been through some pretty difficult trials in my life and I know what it's like to totally lose the right perspective in the midst of it all, but sometimes we just need to step back and gain His perspective...for that's the only one that counts! As I thought about this I thought of the times that God's brought trials into my life and I haven't responded in the way His word instructs me to...with joy, and I purposed in my heart by His grace to gain a new perspective the next time around! Thank-you dear sis for reminding me that when we face a trial we're not supposed to try to figure out WHY the particular trial has been sent our way, but instead to embrace the cross He calls us to bear! The cross of His unearthly joy on the road paved with suffering! Love ya sis! <3
But rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christs
sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you
also may be glad with exceeding joy.
1 Peter 4:13
Therefore let those who suffer according to
the will of God commit their souls to Him in
doing good, as to a faithful Creator.
1 Peter 4:19
fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in
hope, patient in tribulation, continuing
steadfastly in prayer;
Romans 12:11-12
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Romans 5:1-5
well... as im crying my eyes out-- thank you for your encouragement. i cant even think of anything else to type at the moment. im more than a little brain dead. but im so thankful for you and the blessing/encouragement that you are to me ♥
I love you, sis! Thanks for the post...and documenting the faithfulness of God! All the pics are SO fun, and the nun one made me LOL! ;) You're such a blessing!! Couldn't have done it without you!