Koda unloading Sapphire

Me unloading Cowgirl

Me and Cowgirl ready to hit the trail! :)

Koda's Dog Dixie Trotting The Trail In Front Of Us

We'd take turns for who took the lead...here me and Cowgirl decided to lead the way!

Lunch in a pick-up bed with cowgirl boots...life DOESN'T get better!!!!
Yes you're seeing right...we stood up on our horses and got a picture! :) We also got quite a few good laughs out of Lakota pushing the button on her camera, which was propped up on the lense cap on the ledge of the pick up, and then running to her horse and standing up and smiling JUST in time! It was HILARIOUS!
~Friends Forever~
Friday night after we'd gotten home and eaten a hearty supper to replenish our energy the boys built a humongous bonfire. Then the boys had to lay on their bellies and hold marshmallows out on roasting sticks shielding their faces with their arms because the bonfire was SO HOT! It was pretty funny!

Enjoying our lunch and our time together!

One Of Ken's Staff Members Helping Ken In The Round Pen
When we got back to the expo we walked around for a bit trying on some stuff at different vendors and then we headed over to the round pen as Ken Mcnabbs afternoon session was starting. Koda and I both LEARNED SO MUCH from Ken's expertise and horse knowledge! On top of that we ended up finding out that he's a Christian and his wife home schools their two boys...SO COOL! We REALLY liked his approach and decided to purchase some of his DVDS.
When we were looking at the DVD'S this amazing girl (Lizzy) came up to us and started talking to us about what DVD'S would help us the most with where our horses were at. She was super sweet and we ended up finding out that she's a believer to!! She told us a really encouraging story of how God worked in her life to allow her to work on Ken Mcnabb's ranch. It's Koda and my dream now to go to Wyoming someday and participate in Ken's three week apprenticeship program together! :)
We got to talk to Ken too and were super impressed by how personal and knowledgeable he was in answering all our questions! We left super inspired to continue to grow in our horse training skills and the God given talents the Lord has bestowed upon us! It was DEFINITELY A GOD THING that we were at the expo on Saturday!
Yep...it was an amazingly, incredible weekend that I'll never forget!!! I'm SO GRATEFUL that God has put me where He has when He has and that He has put the friends in my life that He has! How sweet is the fellowship of those who know Him! God is good...ALL THE TIME!

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!
Psalms 133:1
Highlights From The Weekend:
::Sapphire dropping and rolling on me with NO warning...thankfully I have a pretty speedy emergency dismount and the Lord enabled me to get off ASAP::Doing our devotions together, praying, and crying together Saturday morning::Telling HILARIOUS stories at the supper table Saturday night::Getting to meet Ken Mcnabb and his staff::Showing Koda how to line drive Sapphire::Picture taking::Going for a walk in the sunset Friday night::The bonfire::Drinking coffee and talking in the kitchen Saturday morning::Late night talks in bed sharing our dreams and goals with each other::
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo fun!!!! its great to be reminded once again about how awesome of a weekend it was!! and i am getting SO INCREDIBLY PUMPED for our weekend in may!!!!
ReplyDeleteI loved how you wrote about everything! (except that you were slightly wrong with your GRAMMER! lol havent you heard that your supposed to put others before yourself! (example = Koda, and I -vs- me and koda) lol! I was crackin up! and it kinda makes me feel good to correct someone's grammer! (because other people are always correcting my horrific grammer)
ok! anyway!!!!!! yeah so i loved how your wrote out all our good memories, and some of the other pictures that you put on (that i didnt)
love you so much sis! youve been on my mind a lot!
LOL...no I didn't know that sis, and I went back and changed it all around for your benefit! ;) Personally I think it sounds better the other way...crazy grammar...but if that's the rules that's the rules! :) I guess it's more Biblical since God's word instructs us to put others before ourselves!!! :) Lol
ReplyDeleteLove You Bunches!!!